What is the weather like in Uzbekistan in september?



Uzhydromet has announced the weather forecast for September 2024. According to the forecast, the first ten days of the month will feature dry weather with comfortable temperatures.

During the night and early morning, refreshing coolness is expected with temperatures ranging from 12-17 degrees, while during the day, the sun will warm the air to 28-33 degrees, with some areas reaching up to 35 degrees. In the latter part of the first ten days, temperatures may briefly drop to 24-27 degrees.

As the month progresses, until the end of September, nighttime temperatures are expected to fluctuate between 13-18 degrees and 7-12 degrees, while daytime temperatures will range from 28-33 degrees to 20-25 degrees. Based on long-term monitoring data, the average daytime temperature in the first half of the month is 30-33 degrees across most of the country and 26-29 degrees in the second half. On the hottest days of September, temperatures may rise to 35-37 degrees, and in the southern regions, up to 39-41 degrees.

There may be brief periods of rain on some days during the third ten days of the month.

According to climatic characteristics, September is one of the driest months of the year in Uzbekistan.

The monthly precipitation is slightly higher than in July and August, ranging from 1-5 mm in the plains, 6-10 mm in areas near the mountains, and reaching 15-30 mm only in the highlands. Rainfall is typically infrequent, occurring on average 1-4 times per month, and is usually of low intensity.

There have been years when no rain fell in September across all regions of Uzbekistan. The last time such anomalously dry September months were observed was in 2007 and 2021.

Periods with daytime temperatures of 22-25 degrees Celsius, and sometimes even lower, are recorded every year in September, though these are typically brief.

It should be noted that the weather for August was reported earlier.


ob-havo O'zbekiston sentyabr'

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