Certain categories of individuals are expected to be banned from teaching in Uzbekistan
08 April 2022
68929In Uzbekistan, some individuals may be prohibited from teaching in educational institutions as pedagogues. It is proposed to introduce relevant bans on the law “On education”.
It is planned to introduce article 44-1 as follows:
Article 44-1. Conditions Preventing Pedagogical (Professorial) Activity
It is prohibited to work as pedagogues (professor-teacher) in educational institutions for those:
- persons declared by a court to be legally incapable or of limited legal capacity;
- persons whose criminal record for intentional offenses has not been completed or whose criminal record has not been expunged;
- crimes against life, health, crimes against sexual freedom, family, youth and morality, against the freedom, honor, and dignity of the person (except libel, insult), crimes against the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens (except for violations of the legislation on appeals of individuals and legal entities, copyright, or invention), crimes against the peace and security of the Republic of Uzbekistan, embezzlement of property – crimes related to robbery, seizure, or transfer of property, criminal, commercial bribery or bribery of an employee of a non-governmental commercial organization or other non-governmental organizations, offenses against the order of the administration, as well as crimes against justice, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, offenses against public security (excluding the illicit import, transfer, acquisition, storage, or use of unmanned aerial vehicles, the spread of quarantine and other contagious diseases), the dissemination of unreliable information, violation of the rules of storage and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles, violation of safety rules during research work, violation of health legislation or anti-epidemic rules, mining, construction or violation of safety rules during explosive operations,(except for violation of fire safety regulations), crimes related to illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, offenses against public order and military rank;
- persons registered in psychiatric or drug treatment (narcology) institutions;
- persons with a disease that prevents them from carrying out their teaching (teaching) activities.
Persons wishing to work as teachers (professors) shall be admitted to this activity, provided that the circumstances specified in the second and fifth paragraphs of the first part of this article are eliminated.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approves the list of diseases that hinder the exercise of pedagogical (teaching) activities.
It should be noted that 35 financially independent higher educational establishments in Uzbekistan are also authorized to appoint or dismiss rectors.