Uzbekistan is taking part in military exercises in Kazakhstan



The international military exercises titled "Bírlestík-2024" have begun in Kazakhstan's western Mangistau region, as reported by the press service of Kazakhstan's Ministry of Defense.

These exercises include military contingents from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

Per the Ministry of Defense, the drills are scheduled from July 8 to July 17, taking place at the Oymasha training ground and the sea area near Tokmak. The military forces from the five nations will conduct a joint operation focused on "localizing an armed conflict." Their activities will include freeing an island occupied by simulated terrorists, ensuring maritime security, and safeguarding infrastructure.

Approximately four thousand soldiers and up to 700 pieces of military equipment are expected to participate. The exercises will involve land and air reconnaissance, naval special forces, artillery units, assault and tank units, aviation, and ships, all working on "conflict localization.”





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