Kadyrov responds to Zakharova, who interferes in the internal affairs of Uzbekistan



Earlier, it was reported that a teacher in a Tashkent school brutally beat a 6th-grade student on the first day of work. Following the incident, Maria Zakharova, the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, requested that the Russian Federation comment on the situation in Uzbekistan.

Alisher Kadyrov, the deputy speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, responded to Zakharova's involvement, criticizing her for "poking her nose" into Uzbekistan's internal affairs.

He emphasized that the child’s rights were violated in a school in the Republic of Uzbekistan, involving the child of an Uzbek citizen, and that appropriate measures would be taken according to laws enacted on behalf of the people of Uzbekistan.

"It would be better if they focused on their own problems instead of meddling in our internal affairs. It seems they have concluded there’s no use in making an issue out of nothing," said Alisher Kadyrov.

For context, the incident that prompted Russia’s demand for an explanation occurred on September 23 around 15:00 at General Education School No. 188 in the Chilonzor district. During a 6th-grade Russian language class, a dispute arose between teacher R.O. and student E.G. The teacher then grabbed the student by the ear, pulled him from his seat, and slapped him. In the video, the teacher can be seen using inappropriate language, pinning the boy to the blackboard, choking him by the neck, and hitting him multiple times.

Upon learning about this, the student’s parents contacted law enforcement regarding the teacher's actions.

The child’s mother stated that although the class head was aware of the violence, he did not fully investigate the matter, did not listen to the child, and blamed the child for the incident. He even forced the child to apologize to the teacher in front of the whole class. As a result, the child is now deeply distressed and refuses to attend school. The mother has appealed to the Children's Ombudsman to protect her child’s violated rights.

In response to the Children's Ombudsman's request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and the Ministry of Public Education (MPE), an investigation is ongoing. Currently, the Chilonzor district police are conducting inquiries until the matter is fully investigated.


Qodirov Zaxarova

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