30% of the population of Uzbekistan lives an unhealthy lifestyle
11 February 2023
870410.7 million people in Uzbekistan do not lead a healthy lifestyle. 16.5% of the population consumes tobacco and 4.7% alcohol, and 16% do not consume enough fruits and vegetables (less than 400 grams per day).
This is provided for in the state program for the implementation of the development strategy of Uzbekistan for the years 2022-2026 in the "Year of attention to people and quality education."
According to the analysis, 36.6% of the population of Uzbekistan add extra salt to food, 32.9% are overweight and 23.5% are obese, 38% have high blood pressure and 8.4% have high blood sugar, and 26 percent were found to have low levels of physical activity.
Accordingly, from 2023, to prevent non-communicable diseases among the population, to promote a healthy lifestyle, and to increase the level of physical activity, a nationwide movement "Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle" will be launched.
"Information-propaganda on the prevention of non-communicable diseases, the consequences of forgiving harmful habits and unhealthy lifestyles through the organization of healthy nutrition and promotion of physical activity among the population, especially among young people, women, and the elderly work will be carried out," said the program review.
Also, teaching the population to monitor their health and nutrition using smartphones and mobile applications, creating a mobile app on healthy eating, unhealthy food and drinks for children, and requirements for advertising of children's food products and energetics, medicines, and biologically active substances will be strengthened.
Approval and consumption of the list of products that are not recommended for children and young people in educational institutions, including food products with a high content of sugar, salt, trans fats, flavoring, and coloring additives reduction are intended.
In the state program, based on the types of local products, recommendations for healthy eating are developed separately for each risk group of the population and types of diseases.
In addition, based on age, body structure, lifestyle, and susceptibility to diseases creating a short set of proper nutrition, fitness exercises, and hygiene rules for children, adults, and the elderly, physical training of employees at workplaces, and creating the necessary conditions for a healthy diet.
It should be recalled that the draft of the Presidential Decree on the implementation of the development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the "Year of human attention and quality education" has been submitted for public discussion.
The public discussion will continue until 17 February, and every citizen can participate in it.