Urganch International Airport ceases operations for repairs



From July 20 at 00:01 Tashkent time until August 7 at 23:59, Urganch International Airport will close its runway for major repair work, according to "Uzbekistan Airports."

The repair work aims to enhance the runway's longevity and safety for aircraft takeoffs and landings. The project includes a complete overhaul and reinforcement of the 3000-meter-long and 16-meter-wide runway surface, as well as major repairs to the second and third taxiways.

Post-renovation, Urganch Airport's runway will be capable of handling wide-body aircraft like the Boeing 787 and Airbus A330 without restrictions.

The last significant reconstruction of Urganch's runway occurred 27 years ago, in 1997, with partial repairs made in 2018.

During the reconstruction, all flights will be redirected to Nukus International Airport, and passengers will be provided with transfers between Nukus and Urganch airports. Travelers are advised to contact airlines for detailed flight information.

Previously, it was reported that the government's decision to relocate Tashkent airport had been canceled.


Urganch xalqaro aeroporti apital ta'mirlash

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