Robbery attempted on Tashkent-Kuala Lumpur flight



On August 15, 2024, an attempted theft of passengers' valuables occurred on Uzbekistan Airways flight HY553, traveling from Tashkent to Kuala Lumpur. The airline reported the incident.

"Upon the plane's arrival in Kuala Lumpur, the flight crew alerted the police. It was announced that law enforcement agencies were called to assist the passengers on board. The crew, in collaboration with law enforcement representatives, conducted a thorough inspection of the aircraft, during which all missing items were recovered," the airline stated.

It was noted that the suspected foreign nationals were apprehended on the spot and taken to the police in Malaysia's capital for further investigation.

"Unfortunately, similar incidents occur on aircraft operated by many airlines. Uzbekistan Airways is committed to combating such activities and collaborates closely with law enforcement agencies and migration services in the relevant countries. Passenger profiling is conducted at airports before departure, and information about suspicious individuals is provided to the crew for monitoring during the flight," the statement continued.


Toshkent Uzbekistan Airways Kuala-Lumpur

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