Report was filed to the parents of the teens who quarreled at Tashkent festival (video)



A video circulating on social media shows attendees at a music festival in Tashkent arguing with each other. The city's main department of internal affairs has responded to the situation.

The incident occurred on September 6 at an event held in the Yunusabad district from 6:00 p.m. to 10:20 p.m. Several individuals were reported to have violated public order and engaged in petty hooliganism, disregarding societal rules of behavior.

Following an investigation by internal affairs officers, it was determined that the individuals involved were five minors.

"An administrative report was issued to their parents under Article 47 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which addresses the failure to fulfill obligations related to raising and educating children. For the other individuals involved, an investigation is ongoing based on the collected evidence, and a legal decision will be made after this process," the report stated.

No injuries to citizens were reported during the investigation.

Earlier, two people were charged with a crime in a shop in the Fergana region.


Toshkent festival

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