A man was apprehended in Tashkent for flirting with minor girl



A 27-year-old man was apprehended for engaging in inappropriate behavior with an underage girl on a street in Tashkent. This information was disclosed by the Tashkent City Courts' press office.

Today, on May 1, a case involving a native of Tashkent born in 1997, who flirted with a minor girl, was adjudicated by Judge Bahrom Berdiyev in the criminal court of the Mirzo Ulugbek district.

The perpetrator received a sentence of 2 years and 6 months imprisonment under Article 277 (Hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan, Part 2, Clause "g", to be served in correctional facilities. 

It's worth noting that previously, a driver in Tashkent was incarcerated for 5 days for commenting on the appearance of a female passenger, while another man received a similar sentence for flirting with an unknown woman in a Chilonzor metro car.


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