Cybercriminals attempting to steal billions through a cyber attack were apprehended in Tashkent



In Tashkent, individuals attempting to illegally acquire bank account numbers and funds stored on citizens' plastic cards through a hacker attack were apprehended. This was reported by the State Security Service.

It was noted that a former bank employee in Tashkent purchased codes for $6,500 from a current bank specialist, enabling access to the bank's software and account numbers.

He then conspired with a man born in 1973 from the Toraqorgon district of Namangan region, who had three fraud convictions, and a citizen of Qibray district, Tashkent region, born in 1989. They intended to use bank account numbers and plastic cards of citizens connected to the bank application to steal a total of 370 billion soums, with the help of hackers, and transfer the money to their acquaintances' accounts abroad through offshore regions.

The criminals were caught in the act while attempting to convert 189 billion soums into foreign currency and transfer it to a foreign account through offshore regions.

Before the investigation, it was revealed that they planned to spread false information about foreign hacking of the bank's software if their scheme succeeded.

A criminal case has been initiated against these individuals under Article 25,169, Part 4, Clause "a" (theft) of the Criminal Code, and they have been placed in preventive detention.


Toshkent kiberhujum

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