Citizen who jumps from an DIA car dies in Tashkent region



A citizen who threw himself from a moving car belonging to the internal affairs department died in the Akkurgan district of the Tashkent region. This was reported by the regional prosecutor's office.

It was reported that the incident occurred on July 26 of this year. T.M., a resident of the "Hamid Olimjon" neighborhood in the district, violated public order in a drunken state at the car wash branch of the "Kushtepa" neighborhood at 01:30 a.m. The officers of the internal affairs department, who responded to a call made by residents, transported T.M. in their assigned service vehicle to the emergency room of the Buka District Medical Association until his intoxication subsided. However, while sitting in the back seat of the service car, T.M. attempted to escape by pushing open the door with his shoulder and throwing himself to the ground.

According to information from the medical association, the man sustained "internal and external head injuries, lacerations, a fractured nasal bone, and other injuries, as well as being in a state of alcohol intoxication." Due to the need for surgery, the citizen was taken to the central hospital of Bekobod district, but despite the medical procedures, he died.

In response to this incident, a criminal case has been initiated by the Prosecutor's Office of Akkurgan district under part 2 of Article 266 of the Criminal Code (violation of safety rules of vehicle operation resulting in human death). A service inspection has also been launched regarding the actions of the internal affairs department employees. Investigative actions are currently ongoing, and the investigation is under the supervision of the regional prosecutor's office.

We would like to remind you that previously after a citizen lost consciousness in the DIA building of Rishton district in the Fergana region, a service check was assigned to the employees. Additionally, it was reported that a prevention inspector shot his wife, child, and himself in the Bostanlik district of the Tashkent region.


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