In Termez, a young man beat a boy who was walking with his girlfriend
10 April 2023
9481News about a child being beaten in the city of Termiz spread on social networks. The Prosecutor’s Office of Surkhandarya region gave information about this situation.
It was found that on 6 April of this year at 4:30 p.m. near the statue of the mourning mother in the “Alpomish” neighborhood of Termiz, a young man X.E. saw his girlfriend walking with another minor boy M.J., M.J. was beaten and injured.
According to the reference of the regional branch of the Scientific and Practical Center of Forensic Medical Expertise of the Republic, it was determined that M.J. suffered a broken nose as a result of the attack.
Today, on 10 April, in connection with this situation, the Investigative Department of the Internal Affairs Department of Termiz city initiated a criminal case under part 1 of Article 277 of the Criminal Code. Preliminary investigations are currently underway.
The investigation of the criminal case was supervised by the Termiz City Prosecutor’s Office.