Perpetrators of the terrible explosion in Sergeli were sentenced



The trial of the explosion in Sergeli, which resulted in the death of a 16-year-old boy and injuries to 163 others, has concluded, and the defendants have been sentenced. This was reported by QALAMPIR.UZ from the courtroom.

On October 11, during a court session held at the Mirabad District Court, four defendants—S.F., A.F., B.S., and N.K.—were found guilty under clauses "a" and "b" of Article 259 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which pertains to violations of fire safety regulations. They were sentenced to serve their terms in a correctional facility, with the sentence starting from September 29, 2023. The preventive measure of "detention" for the defendants has been effectively postponed.

Additionally, the civil plaintiffs in the case included S.S. and two LLCs, "A-O" LLC and "A.S.," whose claims to the court were upheld.

The court ruling stipulates that defendants S.F., A.F., B.S., N.K., and the civil defendants "Interlogistics" LLC and "Polychem" LLC are jointly and severally liable for compensation to the victims and civil plaintiffs.

It was stated that appeals and protests against the verdict could be filed within ten days from the announcement of the verdict. Furthermore, the process allows for appeals to the Tashkent city court through the court that issued the verdict after the defendants and victims receive copies of the ruling.

Background on the explosion in Sergeli

On the night of September 28 last year, a significant explosion occurred in a warehouse belonging to "Inter Logistics" LLC, located in the "Kurumvicher" district of Sergeli in Tashkent city. The explosion caused damage to 592 apartments across 26 high-rise buildings, as well as to 8 service stations, 1 school, and 2 kindergartens.

The explosion injured 163 individuals, and tragically, a teenager born in 2006 lost his life at the scene.

In the aftermath, detachments from the National Guard were deployed to manage the emergency response. Tashkent city mayor Shavkat Umurzakov and Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov were present at the scene to oversee the situation. According to the mayor, the financial damage incurred will be compensated.

Following the explosion, four individuals were imprisoned under a government decision, and a criminal case was initiated by the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with Article 259, Part 2, Paragraphs "a" and "b" of the Criminal Code.


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