Changing the format of ballots reduces costs by 3 billion sums
05 September 2024
3140Elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local councils will be held on October 27.
Ballots for each type of election are distinguished by color: light blue for single-member constituencies of the Legislative Chamber, light green for single constituencies, light yellow for elections to regional and Tashkent City Councils of People's Deputies, and light gray for district and city councils.
The new compact format of the ballots is expected to reduce printing costs by at least 3 billion sums. Additionally, reports on vote counting results at polling stations will be printed in accordance with the color of the ballots.
In previous elections, precinct commissions spent an average of four hours counting votes. The new ballot format will reduce this time to at least one hour, saving a total of at least 11,000 hours of commission work nationwide.
As a result, the average number of members in precinct commissions, previously 11, will be reduced to 10 this year. This will decrease the number of commission members by 2,100 and save two billion sums allocated for payments.
The names and symbols of political parties participating in the election of deputies to the Legislative Chamber for a single electoral district will be included in the ballot papers and election results report based on the order of the signature sheets submitted for participation. These parties are:
- Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
- Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "National Revival"
- Ecological Party of Uzbekistan
- People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
- "Adolat" Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
Additionally, the Central Election Commission has approved the form and text of ballot papers for local council elections. These ballots will be published by regional election commissions based on the number of voters in each district, as reported to the CEC.
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