President disclosed his expectations from Qungirotboy Sharipov



On February 2, Qungirotboy Avezimbetovich Sharipov, serving as the rector of Tashkent State University of Economics, was appointed as the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations by presidential decree.

Today, February 5, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting where the new minister, Qungirotboy Sharipov, was briefed on the priority tasks for 2024 in education, healthcare, digitization, culture, and sports.

During the meeting, the head of state criticized the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, emphasizing the need for cooperation between employers and technical schools to address the stagnation in the system caused by an excess of agencies overseeing professional education.

Despite a significant rise in higher education coverage and private sector involvement, insufficient attention is given to maintaining quality standards. The uneven organization of independent study environments, lack of demand anticipation by colleges and universities, and deficiencies in textbooks and literature were highlighted.

While over 6 trillion soums were allocated for science and innovation in seven years, the meeting recognized the inefficiency of the "cost - research - product" formula in the scientific field.

Overall, it was pointed out that some rectors lack initiative, aspiration, and self-sacrifice. Consequently, the new Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation was appointed with the mandate to bring about substantial changes in professional and higher education.


Shavkat Mirziyoev Qo'ng'irotboy Sharipov

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