Courier from Uzbekistan stops a child abductor in Moscow



In Moscow, Russia, Muhammadjon Obidov, a young courier from Uzbekistan, intervened to prevent the abduction of a child. The Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia provided this information.

According to reports, Obidov, while working as a courier, rushed to assist when he witnessed a man attempting to abduct a baby from a mother holding the child in her arms. This incident occurred near a children's playground in the Vikhino-Zulebino district in southeast Moscow.

"I had seen the man earlier, standing near the courier order point. I was en route to pick up and deliver an order when I noticed him harassing a woman. I immediately turned back. He grabbed the baby from the mother's arms and threw the child forcefully onto the ground. I pursued him to recover the baby, as I was concerned about his intentions. I struck him twice for his treatment of the child before he fled. I then returned the baby to the mother," said Obidov.

The individual attempting the abduction has been identified as 27-year-old Alexey Kirichenko, who has a prior conviction for fraud. Kirichenko was reportedly under the influence of alcohol at the time of the attempted abduction. A criminal case has been initiated against him under Article 126 (Kidnapping) of the Russian Criminal Code, and an investigation is ongoing.

It is worth noting that a young man from Uzbekistan had previously been reported for saving two people from a fire in Moscow.


Rossiya Muhammadjon Obidov Vixino-Julebino Odam o'g'irlash

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