Foreign language and IT studies in schools should be increased



The People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, committed to promoting national interests such as social stability, inter-ethnic harmony, and the well-being of all citizens, has intensified its election campaigns in recent days.

Candidates nominated from the Republic of Karakalpakstan for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local Councils of People's Deputies are actively engaging with the public. Campaign materials are being effectively distributed to communicate the party's ideas directly to voters.

In its pre-election program, the party has introduced over 150 initiatives across 10 key areas and 15 strategic steps. Notably, they advocate for the adoption of the Law "On the Procedure for Determining Minimum Consumption Costs." This law aims to legally establish minimum consumption costs for essential needs, particularly for individuals without housing, those living in extremely difficult conditions, and persons with disabilities. The party also proposes building social housing for women and graduates of orphanages, banning drug advertising, and enhancing the competitiveness of school graduates in the labor market by significantly increasing the hours dedicated to foreign languages and IT studies in school curricula.

During direct interactions with voters, proposals related to social protection, stability, and the importance of these political processes in citizens' lives are explained in detail.


Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik palatasi Maktab Xalq demokratik partiyasi Ijtimoiy barqarorlik

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