Why did the Minister of Culture come out unscathed'? Commented the competition committee
22 July 2024
14469Earlier, it was reported that an advertisement for a clothing store featuring the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, People's Artist Ozodbek Nazarbekov, had led to an investigation by the Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights. As a result of this investigation, the store was fined, but the minister was found innocent. Otabek Usmonov, the adviser to the chairman of the committee, explained why the minister is considered innocent.
"This situation was evaluated within the framework of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan 'On Advertising' (within the scope of its authority and functional duties)," said Usmonov.
Article 49 of the Law "On Advertising" outlines the responsibilities of different parties involved in the field of advertising circulation, namely the advertiser and the advertising preparer. The law does not establish the responsibility of other entities.
Furthermore, Article 15 of the Law defines the primary participants in advertising.
- Advertiser: A natural or legal person who manufactures or sells advertised goods.
- Advertisement Preparer: A natural or legal person who prepares information in full or in part for advertisement distribution.
- Advertiser: A natural or legal person who distributes advertisements through advertising media.
"It is evident from the above that, within the framework of the Law, the Minister of Culture's participation in the advertisement cannot be classified as an advertiser, an advertisement preparer, or an advertisement distributor. This means he is not considered a participant in the circulation of advertising within the framework of the Law," stated the adviser to the chairman of the committee.
It is reported that during the review of the case, within the framework of the legislation, responsibility is established for the subject evaluated as a participant in relations in the field of advertising circulation.
"Consideration of this situation under other legislative documents is beyond the Committee's powers. The Minister of Culture's participation in this advertisement should be reviewed by relevant organizations within the framework of the Law 'On State and Civil Service,'" added Usmonov.
Samarqand shahrida metro quriladi.
14 January