The written exam for admission to lyceums is cancelled
04 July 2023
5035The written exam for the admission of students to academic lyceums is canceled. This is stated in the Presidential Decree “On measures for effective organization of state management in the field of higher education, science and innovation within the framework of administrative reforms”.
According to the decision, higher education programs will be redeveloped on the basis of programs of foreign higher education organizations included in the top 200 international rankings.
The procedure of certification and state accreditation of educational organizations will be canceled and a system of complex and special state accreditation will be introduced. In this:
• comprehensive state accreditation is conducted every 4 years based on the results of external evaluation of educational organizations;
• students studying in an educational organization whose license has been revoked or in a closed educational program are given the right to transfer their studies to appropriate and similar educational directions and specialties of state and non-state educational organizations.
Also, the practice of international accreditation of educational programs will be introduced. In this:
• higher education organizations that are among the first 1,000 international rating organizations recognized by the Ministry are exempted from the next comprehensive state accreditation.
• the rating of higher education organizations is carried out by obtaining information through the information system without interfering with the activity of the educational organization and the educational process.
From January 1, 2024:
• rating is generally determined by state and non-state higher education organizations;
• higher education organizations that have taken the first 10 places in the rating over the last 5 years will be exempted from the next complex state accreditation.
From January 1, 2025:
• non-state higher education organizations are allocated a quota for personnel training based on the state order according to their place in the ranking;
• ranking of higher education organizations in the field of education will be established.
From the 2023/2024 academic year:
• the preliminary selection stage based on the written exam for the admission of students to academic lyceums is cancelled;
• admission rates to educational programs of colleges and technical institutes based on state grants will be doubled;
• applicants are given the right to choose one of the priorities of “state grant” or “educational field” and participate in the competition in the sequence of undergraduate educational fields according to the chosen priority;
• a start-up project suitable for the student’s educational direction and the practice of defending the idea of rationalization as a graduation qualification work and a master’s thesis will be introduced;
• paid short-term targeted production practices of students of higher education institutions are organized in enterprises of economic sectors.
From the 2024/2025 academic year:
• Entrance exams to higher education institutions are organized on the basis of the principle of “first test, then selection” and applicants have the opportunity to choose a higher education institution, educational direction and form based on the score obtained as a result of the test. Is created;
• certificates based on the results of international exams in general education subjects are taken into account for admission to state higher education institutions.