Man was arrested for assaulting his daughter-in-law in Khorezm



In the Kushkupir district of Khorezm region, a father-in-law was arrested for sexually assaulting his daughter-in-law while she was driving an electric scooter. The incident was reported by Aziz Obidov, spokesperson for the Supreme Court, to QALAMPIR.UZ

On August 29 of this year, R.H., the accused, sat next to his daughter-in-law, A.O., who was driving the electric scooter. During the trip to buy food in Ortayop village, he allegedly insulted her, teased her, hugged her by the waist, and grabbed her chest while performing sexual acts.

Despite the allegations, the accused denied the charges in court. He claimed that he was simply accompanying his daughter-in-law to the market.

The court found R.H. guilty under Article 41-1 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility (Sexual Offenses), Part 1, and sentenced him to 4 days of administrative detention.

It is noteworthy that R.H. had previous convictions: in 2023, under Article 138, Part 5 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, and in 2024, under Articles 61-2, Part 1 and 183 of the same Code.

For context, a similar case occurred in Tashkent earlier, where a man who groped a female customer was sentenced to 5 days in prison and fined 3.4 million sums.

In the Kushkupir district of Khorezm region, a father-in-law was arrested for sexually assaulting his daughter-in-law while she was driving an electric scooter. The incident was reported by Aziz Obidov, spokesperson for the Supreme Court, to QALAMPIR.UZ.

On August 29 of this year, R.H., the accused, sat next to his daughter-in-law, A.O., who was driving the electric scooter. During the trip to buy food in Ortayop village, he allegedly insulted her, teased her, hugged her by the waist, and grabbed her chest while performing sexual acts.

Despite the allegations, the accused denied the charges in court. He claimed that he was simply accompanying his daughter-in-law to the market.

The court found R.H. guilty under Article 41-1 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility (Sexual Offenses), Part 1, and sentenced him to 4 days of administrative detention.

It is noteworthy that R.H. had previous convictions: in 2023, under Article 138, Part 5 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, and in 2024, under Articles 61-2, Part 1 and 183 of the same Code.

For context, a similar case occurred in Tashkent earlier, where a man who groped a female customer was sentenced to 5 days in prison and fined 3.4 million sums.


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