Citizen who kept a wild lion in his apartment was brought to justice



A resident of Khorezm region who kept a wild lion in his home has been brought to justice, according to a report by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change.

The Ministry reported that a swift raid was conducted in collaboration with the operative group from the Control Inspectorate of the Regional Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change, along with the Urgench City Police Department. During the raid, it was discovered that a young wild lion was being illegally kept by citizen E.S. in a building located in the "Ashkhabad" neighborhood of Urgench city.

In accordance with Article 92 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a report was filed against the offender. E.S. was fined 1.7 million sums, which is five times the basic calculation amount.

The wild animal was transferred to the "Nukus Zoo" in the city of Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan, for temporary custody.

"The collected documents have been sent to the Urgench City Department of Internal Affairs for further investigation to determine how the wild lion cub was acquired and where it was purchased," the report stated.


yovvoyi sher

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