The public's opinion on the construction of low-power NPPs will be considered - representative of “Ozatom.”



Local public hearings on the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant will take place in Uzbekistan. Qosim Tokhtakhunov, advisor to the director of the Atomic Energy Agency ("Ozatom"), discussed this during the video conference "Astana-Moscow-Tashkent" on atomic energy development in Central Asia.

"Regarding the referendum... according to our constitution, there is no requirement to hold a referendum on these matters, but we will naturally conduct local public discussions," he stated.

It was noted that Uzbekistan does not intend to remain a mere supplier of raw materials in the global labor distribution. Instead, it plans to process local raw materials to produce value-added products.

"Why not process uranium and obtain by-products? Our President has assigned us this task. Therefore, the matter of nuclear energy has justified itself for us, and we believe that Uzbekistan will confidently develop nuclear energy—not only large-scale but also small modular nuclear power plants," Tokhtakhunov explained.

The advisor to the head of "Ozatom" pointed out that small modular reactors are more suitable for Uzbekistan today.

"They are highly flexible, operating at 120 percent capacity. Considering that we are implementing renewable energy, particularly solar energy, very strongly and widely, our calculations indicate that small modules can successfully and harmoniously integrate into the energy system," Tokhtakhunov stated.

The advisor to the head of "Ozatom" described the selection of Rosatom as the main contractor as a "purely pragmatic approach."

"We analyzed the global situation, what companies are working, and how they operate. Naturally, we chose Rosatom. This decision is purely technical and pragmatic," added the representative of "Ozatom."

It should be noted that Uzbekistan and Russia signed a protocol initiating the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant in Jizzakh. A referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant will be held in Kazakhstan in the fall of 2024.


Rossiya O'zbekiston Jizzax Rosatom O'zatom AES Qosim To'xtaxunov

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