Seven district administrations were found adopting illegal documents in Karakalpakstan



It was discovered that seven district administrations in Karakalpakstan had adopted normative documents that were contrary to the law. This finding was reported by the Competition Committee.

During the first half of 2024, the Competition Committee conducted reviews of over 15,000 normative legal and other types of documents across 11 district administrations in compliance with the "Competition" law.

The studies revealed that in 31 instances within the Amudarya, Chimboy, Kegayli, Takhtakupir, Karaozak, Takhyatosh, and Khojayli district administrations, certain privileges, preferences, concessions, and exclusive rights were granted. These privileges placed them in a more favorable position compared to other economic entities operating in the commodity or financial markets. Additionally, these advantages led to superiority in contract conclusions, contrary to sections 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 13 of the first part of Article 22 of the Law "On Competition." This resulted from issuing documents that facilitated the preferential issuance and primary sale of goods to a specific group of buyers, thereby restricting competition and discriminating against the rights and legal interests of consumers.

The report states, "As a result of the aforementioned study, the reports and directives of the seven district governments were adjusted to comply with the requirements of the Law on Competition. Recommendations were made to rectify the violations and prevent such occurrences in the future."

It is worth noting that earlier, in Kashkadarya, 19 documents adopted by district governors were found to be against the law.


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