The contract payments of the women who entered the master`s degree in the winter will be reimbursed from the state budget



The contract money of the women enrolled in the master's winter admission is also paid by the state.  This was reported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation.

According to the decree of the President and the decision of the government, the contract fees of all women studying at the master's level of the State Higher Education Institution will be reimbursed without the condition of return.

This procedure also applies equally to women admitted to study based on a fee-contract in the master's winter admission.

"Therefore, those recommended for the master's degree are requested to apply to the management of the Higher Education Institution to use this privilege," the ministry said.

For information, this procedure does not apply to those who have not applied by the specified deadline, to those admitted to study based on a differentiated fee contract, and to the master's degree of a non-state Higher Education Institution.


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