Kyrgyzstan cancels the ban on meat exports, which was introduced due to Uzbekistan



In September 2024, a sharp increase in the price of meat was observed in the markets of Kyrgyzstan. One of the main reasons for this was the increase in exports to Uzbekistan, as reported by "Akchabar."

According to the National Statistics Committee of Kyrgyzstan, the price of meat increased by 6.76% from August to September of this year. In August 2024, the average price of meat was 570.23 soms (86,400 sums), and by September it reached 608.77 soms (98,500 sums). In September last year, the price of meat was 59.19 soms (8,967 sums) lower, marking an annual increase of 10.77%.

Previously, the committee’s website reported that the rise in prices was due to the traditional wedding season in September and food shortages. However, representatives of the Antimonopoly Service now cite a significant increase in meat exports to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as the main factor.

"A large amount of meat is currently going to Uzbekistan, and through it to Tajikistan. In response, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed a temporary ban on the export of meat from the republic," said Sirgak Omorov, head of the Antimonopoly Service's Department for Regulated Sectors.

It was noted that the temporary export ban was lifted last week due to the reduction in prices achieved through cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Antimonopoly Service.

"We are seeing a significant decrease in meat prices. If at the beginning of September, prices increased by 100 soms, they have now returned to their previous levels," said the expert.

We also remind you that earlier, during a meeting of the fuel and energy complex committee of the Jogorku Council of Kyrgyzstan, there was a dispute regarding the ban on the import of Uzbek cement.


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