It is announced how many prisoners have the right to vote in elections
09 July 2023
411134,338 people who have the right to vote in elections in Uzbekistan today and improve their liberty have access to the right to vote. This was announced at a briefing involving a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is held in the Central Election Commission.
The composition of the election commissions of 354 people in penalties of this year's election was established. Electional stations were also organized in 17 investigation detention facilities, 17 penal colonies and 20 addresses. For the first time this year has committed severe and very serious crimes, prisoners serving the sentence. In particular, the persons surviving today are eligible to vote in the election today.
Under the current legislation, liability is provided in the Code of Administrative Responsibility and the Criminal Code.
For example, violating the conditions and procedure for intercompassing the activities of the precinct election commission or conditions for propaganda on the elections - administrative liability. If such behavior occurs, it can be notified by the "102" shortest digital phone.
The administrative statement on administrative offenses shall be established by the prosecutor's or law enforcement agencies or the authorized officials of election commissions.
The accumulated documents will be sent to the district (city) court no later than one day. In addition, appeals about the activities of precinct and district commissions shall be considered in the courts.
So far, the police did not receive an application or notice or notice of election law.