What products should be consumed when immunity is weakened?



In the winter, many people suffer with a weakened immune system at a time when seasonal illnesses increase.  So, what products should be consumed to prevent this? Recommendations on such questions were presented by Botir Tojiyev, director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Epidemiology, Microbiology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

"First of all, it is necessary to refrain from salty, spicy, and fatty foods.  It is better to limit the consumption of products containing sugar and caffeine and instead, it is recommended to eat pumpkins, carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions, garlic, greens, dairy products, apples, citrus fruits, lean meat, fish, and honey.  These foods saturate the body with vitamins and minerals which help to strengthen the immune system," says Botir Tojiyev.

He also listed several other useful products.  Among them, there were such products as onions, lemons, namatak (a plant that grows in the mountains), oranges, sweet peppers, and blackcurrants.

Onions are one of the products that increase the body's ability to fight against diseases.  They help to fight against microbes that enter the body, stop the growth of cancer cells, and increase immunity.

Garlic onions helps to restore the body after stress and cleans the liver.  They are an excellent tool for fighting inflammation and tumors.

Ginger is a product rich in minerals and vitamins that quickly strengthens the body's resistance to diseases.

Eating a teaspoon of honey a day is also beneficial for health.  However, people prone to allergies and suffering from chronic diseases should consult their doctors before consuming these products.





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