Amendments are about to be made to the Civil Code regarding property rights



Amendments are being made to the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding property rights.  This is implied in the draft law "On Amendments to the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan" which was considered at the plenary session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) on 2 August.

The draft was carefully considered by the MPs in the second reading.  The proposed law was developed by a group of MPs of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis based on the rights of legislative initiative.

Taking into account that the relations related to property rights are regulated by a special law, the words "Legislative documents" in the relevant articles of the Civil Code are replaced by the word "law" in the amendment made to this document.

MPs say that the adoption of the draft law will prevent different interpretations of the norms of the Civil Code.  Most importantly, the abolition of property rights and the regulation of property relations will be achieved.

The draft law was adopted by MPs at the meeting.



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