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Vallomov arrested for causing a brawl in a Fergana club (video)



On February 21, a brawl broke out at the Verona computer gaming club on Oftob Street in Fergana city. A criminal case was opened against those involved, and a precautionary measure in the form of arrest was applied. This was reported by the Fergana regional police department.  

According to police findings, Otabek Bakhtiyorjon ugli Vallomov, born in 1998 and residing on Marifat Street in Fergana, was involved in the incident along with his acquaintances M.G., M.Q., N.M., M.O., and H.M. On the night of the altercation, the group deliberately disregarded public conduct rules, shouted in a public place, disturbed order, and caused a nuisance to customers.  

When club manager Kh. attempted to intervene and restore order, the group initiated a physical altercation, attacking him and causing bodily injuries. Vallomov then continued his aggressive behavior, resisting M. and S., who tried to stop the fight, and injuring them as well.  

"A criminal case has been initiated against Otabek Bakhtiyorjon ugli Vallomov and his five accomplices under Article 104 (Intentional Infliction of Grievous Bodily Harm), Part 2, Subparagraphs b, e, k, and Article 277 (Hooliganism), Part 3, Subparagraph d, of the Criminal Code. A precautionary measure in the form of arrest has been applied," the police report states.  

The investigation is currently ongoing, and legal proceedings will be conducted based on its findings.  

"Dear citizens, if you have also been victimized by Otabek Bakhtiyorjon ugli Vallomov or his associates, please contact us at 90 270-71-11, 95 023-63-73, 244-02-69, 244-36-22, or 102. Your identity will be kept confidential," the police department urged.  

It should be recalled that last month, 10 individuals were arrested in the Chirakchi district of Kashkadarya region for hooliganism and causing bodily harm to their siblings.


Farg'ona Otabek Vallomov

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