Now in Uzbekistan, it is possible to check the conformity of concerts to national traditions



The repertoire of concerts held in Uzbekistan will now be checked for compliance with national traditions and universal values. This measure is outlined in the draft amendments and additions to the Cabinet of Ministers’ decision dated February 22, 2022, No. 86, proposed by the Ministry of Culture.

The proposed amendments include a detailed scenario for the concert-viewing events organized by the state institution "Uzbekkonsert," which is responsible for concert-viewing activities.

The submitted documents will be reviewed by the Expert Commission under "Uzbekkonsert" and its regional departments from the day they are received.

When the Expert Commission reviews the documents, it will consider the following aspects:

- The ideological and artistic level of the program or script of the event.
- Whether the planned repertoire corresponds to national traditions and universal values.
- The inclusion of themes such as loyalty to the Motherland and love for the homeland in the program or script.

Based on the results of the review, the Expert Commission will confirm its conclusion regarding the granting or refusal of a permit to the applicant, as reflected in the report of the meeting.

The proposal was put up for discussion on September 20, and the discussion is scheduled to conclude today, October 5.


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