Rosenblum, whose role as ambassador is ending, will not go far from Uzbekistan



It is almost clear what position the US Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Daniel Rosenblum, will hold after the completion of his mission.  US President Joe Biden appointed him US Ambassador to Kazakhstan.  The US Senate should approve his candidacy.

For reference, Daniel Rosenblum has been the US Ambassador to Uzbekistan since 2019.

Prior to that he held the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of the State Department for South and Central Asian Affairs and oversaw US policy and diplomatic relations with the five Central Asian states.

Unexpected statement from US Ambassador: Uzbekistan received a low rating north_east

Unexpected statement from US Ambassador: Uzbekistan received a low rating

Rosenblum previously served as the United States aid coordinator for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia and was responsible for ensuring the strategic and effective use of more than $1 billion of foreign aid per year.

He has also been a key communicator between the U.S. government and other international donors, including the European Union and multilateral development banks.
Before joining the State Department, Rosenblum worked for six years at the Institute of Free Trade Unions (FTUI), where he managed grants from the US government for the post-communist transition in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Rosenblum holds a bachelor's degree in history from the universities of the EU and a master's degree in Soviet studies and international economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.  He can speak Russian.

It should be noted that Joe Biden nominated Jonathan Henick, a diplomat with many years of experience, for the post of US Ambassador to Uzbekistan.


Deniel Rozenblyum

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