Stepmother who regularly beat her child was punished



In the Zangiota district of the Tashkent region, a stepmother who regularly beat and mentally abused her child was punished. This was reported by the Children's Ombudsman.

It was reported that a 13-year-old girl named S.R., who lives in the Zangiota district of the Tashkent region, was regularly subjected to physical and mental abuse by her stepmother throughout 2023. The woman also threatened the girl with violence and death, creating a strong sense of fear and inflicting physical injuries on various parts of her body.

"A criminal case was initiated, and a preliminary investigation was conducted regarding this situation. On June 5 of this year, according to the verdict issued by the Zangiota district court on criminal cases of the Tashkent region, Sh.S. was found guilty under Article 110, Part 2, Paragraphs 'a, c' (Torture) and Article 112, Part 3 (Intimidation with the use of violence to kill) of the Criminal Code. She was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months of imprisonment, with appropriate restrictions established," the report stated.

We remind you that earlier in Bukhara, a woman who beat her children was fined.


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