Responsibility for violence against children was determined in Uzbekistan



Uzbekistan has introduced specific legal measures to address family violence committed against children by close relatives. These provisions were established under Law No. 978, signed by the President on October 21, 2024.

The new law supplements Article 59-2 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility and Article 126-1 of the Criminal Code by including responsibility for committing domestic violence against a child.

Previously, the law provided for criminal liability for domestic violence committed against a spouse or other family members but did not explicitly include children.

Additionally, the second part of Article 583 of the Criminal Procedure Code was amended to clarify that "A petition for reconciliation in cases related to family (domestic) violence can be submitted at any stage of the trial, but before the court enters deliberations." The Code of Administrative Responsibility now explicitly holds individuals accountable for committing domestic violence against a child.

The law came into effect on the day of its official announcement.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in three women worldwide suffers physical abuse by a partner, and 38% of fatal cases related to oppression and violence are caused by a spouse or a person living with the victim.

Between 2023 and May 2024, 55.6% of the 894 cases related to domestic violence in Uzbekistan—506 cases—were resolved through reconciliation. In the remaining 44.4% (388 cases), the courts imposed appropriate punishments.

This law, which was previously discussed, was developed in response to recommendations from the World Bank. It aims to increase the effectiveness of measures preventing violence and harassment against children and women, as well as to improve the moral and ethical environment within families.


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