Behzod Musayev was appointed to a new position



Behzod Anvarovich Musayev, who was recently relieved of his position as Minister of Poverty Reduction and Employment, has been appointed as the head of the Foreign Labor Migration Agency. The announcement was made on September 23 during a meeting led by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, focused on the development of the construction industry and building materials production.

President Mirziyoyev highlighted the significant potential in foreign labor migration and stressed the need to fully utilize these opportunities. The agency will now be transferred to government oversight, with a mandate to accelerate efforts in securing high-income labor markets abroad for Uzbek citizens. Regional governors and diplomatic missions abroad will share responsibility with the agency for the welfare of the country’s migrant workers.

Behzod Musayev, born in 1973 in Tashkent, has had an extensive career in public service. He graduated from the Tashkent State University of Economics in 1995 and the Higher Business School of the State and Society Building Academy in 2004. Musayev has held several key roles, including Head of the State Tax Committee (2018), Deputy Prime Minister for Social Development (2020), and Minister of Health (2021). He served as Minister of Poverty Reduction and Employment from December 2022 until his recent appointment.

It was also previously reported that Botir Zohidov has taken over Musayev's former role as Minister of Poverty Reduction and Employment.


Behzod Musaev Tashqi mehnat migratsiyasi agentligi Kambag'allikni qisqartirish va bandlik vaziri

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