Another case was initiated against “Agrobank”



Violations of law have been identified in state procurements with an initial value of 2.62 billion sums conducted by the Navoi regional office of ATB "Agrobank." This information was shared by the Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights.

The investigation revealed that, during the tenders held in 2023 and 2024, the Navoi regional office failed to comply with the legal requirements set forth in the laws "On Competition" and "On State Procurement." Specifically, the committee found that the legal guidelines were not adhered to in 10 separate state procurements.

The violations included failures in the evaluation process, improper coordination, and the presence of requirements in the tender documents that could potentially harm the competitive environment among participants. Based on these findings, the Special Commission has initiated a case against the Navoi regional office of the bank, following the regulations established by a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.

This is not the first time "Agrobank" has faced such issues. Previously, a case was initiated against the Tashkent regional office of ATB "Agrobank" due to similar violations of the Law "On Competition," and appropriate measures were taken in accordance with the law.


Navoiy viloyati “Agrobank” ATB qonun buzilishi

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