Applicants file lawsuit against Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency



A group of applicants who took the law exam in July have raised concerns, claiming that the test included questions based on material not covered in the textbooks, specifically questions about legal codes and laws. In response, the Knowledge Assessment Agency denied these accusations.

The applicants, represented by lawyer Mukhriddin Shamsiddinov, have filed a lawsuit against the Agency for Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. Shamsiddinov provided details of the case.

"In the legal exams held in July, applicants were asked questions related to sanctions, such as the amount of fines and the length of imprisonment sentences. During my university studies, our professors specifically advised against memorizing sanctions, as it was both impractical to remember such details and unnecessary for future legal practice," Shamsiddinov explained.

The lawyer also mentioned that he began practicing law today and is currently involved in a case at the Tashkent Inter-District Administrative Court. He further stated that he plans to file a request with the court to access the case details and involve the media in the proceedings.


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