It was found that the feedback system was ineffectively organized in 70 governments



The Anti-Corruption Agency reported that the feedback system was ineffectively organized in 70 district and city governments of Uzbekistan. 

It was noted that the "Mystery Customer of Feedback" events were held to study the working conditions of hotlines (Call Centers) in the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city governments, and district and city governments, as well as the efficiency of data exchange.

Research revealed that the feedback system in 70 district and city governments was ineffectively organized, particularly with calls being left unanswered. Most of these cases were observed in the Kashkadarya region, while the fewest cases were observed in the Navoi region. The distribution of cases is as follows:

  • Kashkadarya region: 11 districts and cities
  • Andijan region: 10
  • Tashkent region: 8
  • Fergana region: 7
  • Khorezm region: 7
  • Namangan region: 6
  • Samarkand region: 4
  • Surkhandarya region: 4
  • Republic of Karakalpakstan: 4
  • Tashkent city: 3
  • Bukhara region: 2
  • Syrdarya region: 2
  • Jizzakh region: 1
  • Navoi region: 1

Additionally, the research found that the official websites of 9 district and city governments (Asaka, Khiva, Orta Chirchiq, Hovos, Uzun, Sariosiyo districts and the city governments of Bukhara, Navoi, and Bekobod) did not publish their hotlines.

It was also discovered that the official websites of the governorates of Qorovulbozor, Romiton, Shofirkon, Vobkent, and Bukhara city were not functioning. When calling the phone numbers of the mayors of Forish, Tomdi, Parkent, Sokh, Qoraozak, Khojali districts, and the cities of Guliston and Chirchiq, it was reported that there was no possibility of leaving a verbal appeal with the responsible employees.

"Presentations were made to eliminate cases of legal violations and to take measures to prevent their recurrence in the future," the report said.


Forish Guliston Chirchiq So'x Shofirkon Parkent Qorao'zak Tomdi Qorovulbozor Romitan Vobkent Xo'jayli

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