What is America's demand for Uzbekistan? First interview with the US ambassador
12 April 2023
28005Jonathan Henick, the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Uzbekistan, visited the Qalampir.uz editorial office and gave his first interview to the local press. Qalampir.uz reporter asked the ambassador a number of questions about the latest political processes in Uzbekistan, the situation related to human rights in the country, and international politics.
Shahzod Nusratulloyev, reporter: — First of all, Your Excellence, thank you so much for making time to give this interview to Qalampir.uz. We always appreciate the constant support of the US government and US embassy in Tashkent for freedom of expression freedom of speech, independent media in Uzbekistan. Your predecessor mister Rosenblum was in our office before the end of his term. He shared his sincere thoughts and gave final interview to Qalampir.uz. We hope we can turn this into a tradition with you.
Jonathan Henick, US Ambassador to Uzbekistan: — I think it's a great idea
Sh.N.: — Now want to give you the first question. We have so many questions about the foreign policy of Uzbekistan, the situation with human rights in Uzbekistan. To begin with, what is the current situation between the United states of America and Uzbekistan today?
J.H.: — I want to start by saying that we do believe that media freedom and independent media are fundamentally important and particularly at this point and time I think President Mirziyoyev is a continuing his reform program here. We believe that organizations like you have a critical role to play and it's my pleasure to be with you here today. In terms of our relationship with Uzbekistan i'm pleased to say that our relationship has never been better. As you probably know Secretary of State Blinken was just here a few weeks ago. He had meetings with the foreign minister, with the President. I participated in those meetings. Really we covered the full range of economic, security, political, human rights issues and we've never had a think such a meaningful and robust our conversation. Both sides agreed during these meetings that we see enormous potential in continuing to strengthen our relationship.
Sh.N.: — The president of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in one of his speeches said that the big states, big countries are asking Uzbekistan to choose a side. Is it related to the recent visit of the US secretary of state Mr. Blinken to Uzbekistan?
J.H.: — As I said I participated in all of the of secretary Blinken’s visits and absolutely not. At no point did we say anything like that - it is quite contrary. Secretary Blinken reiterated our strong support for Uzbekistan’s independence. We understand that Uzbekistan must have the ability to have productive and positive relationships with all of its neighbors and we are just proud to be in a one of Uzbekistan’s partners.
Sh.N.: — Mr. Blinken said that US will support Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to overcome the effects of sanctions imposed on the Russia. As you know there are millions of Uzbek working migrants in Russia and the money that they send to Uzbekistan is a serious part of our economy. Is the United States really to increase their quantities of Uzbek working migrants? With green cards, with employment visas?
J.H.: — We want to see as many Uzbeks as possible will have an opportunity to travel the United States. Since you mentioned green cards, I think as you know there's a large and growing population of Uzbek americans living in the United States as well. So we want to see more more tourists go, we wanna see more business people go back and forth. This kind of exchange - people to people exchange - is critical to healthy bilateral relationship. But as far as work issues are focus here at their request of president Mirziyoyev is to focus on helping to develop the economy here in Uzbekistan to create more jobs for Uzbeks so that they can stay here in Uzbekistan. So we have programs that are focused on job skills training, we have programs that are focus on encourage entrepreneurship, helping to grow businesses here, helping to increase Uzbekistan’s ability to export goods and services abroad. So we think that Uzbeks shouldn't have to go overseas to work that they should be able to find a good excellent high paying jobs here in Uzbekistan.
Sh.N.: — Ast you know, as we know the world is moving towards two poles like in the cold war period. The recent visit of Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Russia is indicating that China is taking sides with Russia. So what can we expect from this century in global politics?
J.H.: — I mean I don't know what is gonna happen in the next century of course but I will say that the United States and its partners around the world support international system that is based on democracy, on human rights, on free markets, on free trade. On respect for independence and sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries, Russia has violated those principles with its aggression, violent aggression in Ukraine. We hope that we can continue to work with the international community to ensure that that kind of behavior is not tolerated, it is not permitted. I don't know what will happen in the future but we are eager to partner with all countries including Uzbekistan to continue to strengthen an international system that is good for all of us.
Sh.N.: — As you know protests took place in Karakaplakistan, in the city of Nukus last year in july. The government quickly acknowledged the situation and rolledl back the constitutional reforms. Then it was reported that there was a a foreign influence. so how do you evaluate the demonstrations in Karakalpakistan? Were there any external threats to Uzbekistan? How satisfactory and transparent was of the judicial process in Karakalpakistan?
J.H.: — So first let me begin by saying that it we believe it is important than in any democracy that people should have the right to peacefully demonstrate. That is an important fundamental right and we support that. As far as the the protests, the demonstrations in Karakalpakistan, of course, I don't have all of the details. I would like to see more transparency. I understand that the ombudsman did a work - did an investigation and prepared report but we still haven't seen the ombudsman’s report yet. I think that should be made public. As far as the the trials, we were encouraged by that there was greater transparency and openness with regard to these trials. We think that is a positive step and we think that as the trials continue, they continue to be more to transparency.
I think, anybody who used violence, of course, should be punished but that applies not just of protesters but also to law enforcement that it may have use violence as well. We understand from the government of Uzbekistan’s statements that there are some law enforcement individuals who are involved in these protests, who are being investigated. We believe that those investigations should be completed and any violations should also be brought to to trial. Those people should be brought to justice as well
Sh.N.: — As it was annonced earlier, a referendum on introducing amendments to the current constitution will soon be holding in Uzbekistan. According to this, Uzbekistan is expected to be a social state. So what is your opinion about the new constitution?
What can this new constitution bring to Uzbekistan?
J.H.: — We are studying the the constitutional referendum very closely. We see a lot of positive changes in the constitutional referendum. We see greater protections for workers, greater protections for women. There is greater separation of powers and more power been given to the Oliy Majlis. These are all very very positive changes Whether or not constitution’s ultimately change ,of course, is up to the citizens of Uzbekistan.
- And what we think is important if and when this constitution is changed that these changes in writing or not just in writing that these changes are implemented in real life We look forward to supporting Uzbekistan in these and all of its reforms
Sh.N.: — In this point we want to know about your opinion about the nullification of presidential term and possible re-election of the current president Shavkat Mirziyoyev? What can you say about this?
J.H.: — So ,of course, it is up to the citizens of Uzbekistan to pick its own political leaders and to set the terms under which those political leaders are able to run for election.
That is not ultimately a decision for us. What we would like to see in Uzbekistan is as President Mirziyoyev has already indicated we'd like to see more more room for a freedom of speech, for freedom of expression, for freedom of media and ultimately for their to be room for people of different political views to coexist in the political space here
- Ultimately we believe that in any democracy people need to be able to have a choice of their of their leaders and ultimate that's what we support.
Sh.N.: — As we know, USA is one of the countries that is known for its support for freedom of speech, human rights, women's rights and children rights. So how do you assess the situation in the country regarding this rights? Will the things change for the better in the future?
J.H.: — We have seen a lot of positive changes just in the last few years. We have seen virtual elimination of child labor. We have seen, you know, the elimination of forced labor in the cotton harvests. We have seen a greater religious freedoms here in Uzbekistan. We have seen that as the president acknowledged that there was a torture and prisons and has taken steps to to reduce torture. These are all very very positive changes. I believe that the president is serious about continuing these reforms and so I am hopeful that the situation here in Uzbekistan will continue to improve.
Sh.N.: — As you know, the reports on cases of rape violence and harassment against women and girls have gone viral on social networks. Even some cases were committed by the representatives of state authorities. So how do you assess the situation with women’s rights in Uzbekistan? Are they guaranteed?
J.H.: — We were encouraged to see steps to criminalize of domestic violence in the first instance. We think that those types of legal changes are necessary and more needed to continue to strengthen the protections available to women and children here in Uzbekistan and we are eager to support those changes.
As far as the ,you know, the recent cases you mentioned, obviously this kind of behavior is unacceptable and outrageous. We think that any individuals who are guilty of rape or abuse women and children should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Sh.N.: — The thank you so much for good answers. In the last point we want to get opinions from you about Uzbeks and Uzbekitan according to your recent experience in Uzbekistan. What can you say about the culture and hospitality of the people of Uzbekistan?
J.H.: — I do not know if all of your viewers know but I spent some time in Uzbekistan many years ago. I did my first diplomatic assignment here in the mid 1990s. So it is a pleasure to come back to Uzbekistan and to see all of that positive changes and development. Economically the country has, you know, vastly changed and vastly improved. Although ,of course, there's much more work to be done.
It is great to see more and more foreign tourists coming to Uzbekistan to learn more about that the rich culture here and incredibly rich history that Uzbekistan have. So really it is a dream job for me to be able to come back to Uzbekistan to reconnect with this culture and the people here
I spend the next few years traveling all around the country. I just returned from trips to Navai, to Bukhara. I was just yesterday in Nukus and Muynak. I think it is just an amazing country with an amazing culture and an amazing people. I look forward to my next years here.
Sh.N.: — Thank you so much for good answers. We hope we can invite you to our editorial office one more time in the future.
J.H.: — It would be my pleasure
Sh.N.: — Thank you so much
J.H.: — Thank you
You can watch the interview with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the USA to Uzbekistan Jonathan Henick in the video player above or on the YouTube channel of Qalampir.uz.