Compensation for military personnel for renting housing to increase



From March 1, 2025, until the end of the year, monthly monetary compensation payments for renting housing will be increased for military personnel of the Armed Forces, including privates, sergeants, and officers serving under contract who are not provided with housing within the framework of current expenditures. This is stated in the Presidential Decree “On Amendments and Addenda to Certain Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Strengthen Social Protection of Military Personnel”, adopted on February 24.  

According to the resolution, amendments and addenda have been made to certain presidential resolutions, providing for the following:  

- From March 1, 2025, the amount of monthly monetary compensation paid to military personnel for renting housing will be increased by 20%.  
- From June 1, 2025, the initial payment allocated for obtaining a mortgage loan for purchasing or constructing housing will be set at 35% of the estimated housing cost for military personnel who have completed more than 10 years of military service and are provided housing based on mortgage loan allocation indicators approved in accordance with legislative documents.  

In line with amendments to Presidential Decree No. PQ-112 dated June 30, 2005, from March 1, 2025, until the end of the year, monthly compensation for renting housing will be established as follows for military personnel of the Armed Forces in the ranks of privates, sergeants, and officers serving under contract who are not provided with housing:  

- In Tashkent – up to 4.8 times the minimum wage.  
- In Nukus and regional centers – up to 3.6 times the minimum wage.  
- In other cities, district centers, and settlements – up to 2.4 times the basic wage.  

Additionally, for military personnel with families of three or more members, the amount of monetary compensation will be increased by 50%.

According to the decree, starting in 2026, the amount of monthly monetary compensation payments will be determined annually by a government resolution based on market prices for housing rentals in different regions.


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