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Kusherboev calls for strict checks on Chechen citizens entering Uzbekistan



Rasul Kusherboev, Advisor to the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change, and a public activist, has called for strict checks on every citizen of Chechnya entering Uzbekistan. His proposal follows the news that the Prosecutor General's Office of Uzbekistan has placed Russian citizens Bislan Rasaev and Shamil Temurkhanov on the wanted list in connection with the assassination of Komil Allamjonov.

“Who are these two people? Where did these terrorists come from? How did dangerous criminals enter the territory of Uzbekistan? This issue must be clearly addressed,” Kusherboev said.

He also referred to Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya, who previously denied any involvement of Chechens in the assassination attempt. Kadyrov had openly stated that he would take responsibility for the actions of those involved.

Kusherboev emphasized that “open threats against officials in Uzbekistan are terrorism.” He called for accountability for those who make such threats, saying that the Uzbek government should not remain silent in the face of such provocations. “How long will we sit idly by and watch those who openly threaten us with their chauvinistic views? Isn’t it time to give a worthy response to an open threat from an official?” he questioned.

Kusherboev suggested that the response should go beyond mere statements and include concrete actions. He proposed, if necessary, canceling flights to Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, whose leader has made open threats, and implementing strict checks on all Chechen citizens entering Uzbekistan.

Earlier, Ramzan Kadyrov had openly threatened Komil Allamjonov, the former head of the Information Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of Uzbekistan, and Dmitry Liga, the director of the National Agency for Promising Projects. Uzbek officials, including Odiljon Tojiev, a deputy in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, condemned Kadyrov’s interference in Uzbekistan’s internal affairs. Tojiev stated that Kadyrov should publicly apologize to the Uzbek people and, if he is truly a friend, hand over the wanted individuals, Bislan Rasaev and Shamil Temurkhanov, to Uzbekistan.


Rasul Kusherboev Komil Allamjonov Ramzan Qodirov chechen

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