How many babies were born in Uzbekistan on the first day of the new year?



It has been disclosed how many babies were born in Uzbekistan on the first day of the Yew Year.  According to the Ministry of Health, as of 1 January 2023, at 17:00p.m., a total of 1,312 babies were born in the country.
Of them:

• 687 are boys;

• 625 are girls.
The largest number of births was recorded in the Fergana region (172).

Also, the following places in the regional section:

• Kashkadarya region (169 births);

• Namangan region (137);

• Surkhandarya region (133);

• Samarkand region (121)
Syrdarya region had the lowest number of births (35).
It is noteworthy that 7 of those born are twins.
At the moment, doctors provide high-quality medical services to all babies according to established standards.
It is noted that, along with several medical institutions, medical workers, obstetrician-gynecologists, neonatologists, midwives and nurses are serving the population on duty in 227 maternity complexes.


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