A criminal case was initiated against the officials of “Uzbekistan Road Inspection” - State Security Service



Responsible employees of the Department of Road Construction Materials Quality Control and Road-Testing Laboratory of "Uzyolinspeksya"(Uzbekistan Road Inspection) Articles 205- (Abuse of Power or Position) and 209 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Professional fraud) was prosecuted.  This was reported by the State Security Service.

The fact is that in February 2021, the Department of Road Construction Materials Quality Control and Road-Testing Laboratory of "Uzyo'linspeksiya"(Uzbekistan Road Inspection) in the city of Khanabad, Andijan Region 4H-1071 "Khanabad-Turkabad" highway 0-, the thickness of the asphalt-concrete layers laid in the 7 km section was checked and a conclusion was made about the compliance with the requirements of the project and regulatory documents.

However, this year, the thickness of the asphalt concrete layer on this road was re-examined by the authorities, and during the control measurement, it was found that the thickness of 73 samples taken from the asphalt concrete coating of the object does not meet the requirements of the project and regulatory documents, the thickness of the coating is low. it was determined that
It was found out that the general contractor had overwritten the amount of work in the amount of 86,728 US dollars as a result of laying the layers of the road surface with less than the standard thickness, and during the inspection, these added work volumes were eliminated.

Although the thickness of the laid asphalt concrete layer does not meet the requirements of the project and regulatory documents, the responsible staff of the Department of Road Construction Materials Quality Control and Road Testing Laboratory of "Uzyolinspeksia" (Uzbekistan Road Inspection) have a positive conclusion in 2021 and caused a lot of damage to the interests of the state.

In this case, taking into account the presence of signs of crime expressed in the abuse of power and professional authority and professional falsification in the actions of the responsible employees of the Road Construction Materials Quality Control and Road Testing Laboratory Department of "Uzyo'linspeksiya" (Uzbekistan Road Inspection) and others, a criminal case was initiated by the Transport Prosecutor's Office under Articles 205 and 209 of the Criminal Code.


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