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UzLiDeP plans to strengthen the responsibility of officials to protect entrepreneurs



While preparing for the elections to be held on October 27, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Aktam Khaitov, shared his plans for the development of entrepreneurship in the country.

According to him, work is underway to implement specific measures to increase the gross domestic product to $160 billion by 2030 and the per capita income to $4,000. To achieve this goal, the party has focused on the rapid development of entrepreneurship.

The party leader mentioned that they intend to strengthen the accountability of state officials for any illegal interference in the activities of entrepreneurs.

"Reducing the number of licenses by half, canceling about 1,000 bureaucratic requirements, limiting monopolistic activities, reducing loan interest rates for exporting entrepreneurs, allocating preferential loans to farmers and peasants, determining their repayment terms based on seasonality, and increasing the share of the non-state sector in the economy to 85 percent over the next five years are some of the initiatives we will put forward," Khaitov said.

"Many are well aware that five years ago, we aimed to develop a draft of the Business Code. However, this promise was only adopted as law after five years, by 2024," the party leader noted.

He also stated that the establishment of the Investment Ombudsman Institute, which works in cooperation with the Business Ombudsman, is overdue, and emphasized the importance of completing the work started in the new pre-election program.

It is evident from the statements made that the protection of entrepreneurs' rights will be a key issue in the election program of UzLiDeP.


O'zbekiston Liberal-demokratik partiyasi Aktam Xaitov

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