How many centenarians reside in Uzbekistan?



As of January 1, 2024, Uzbekistan has 514 citizens aged 100 and above, receiving pensions and allowances from regional branches of the non-budgetary Pension Fund, according to the society's press service.

Among the centenarians, 110 (21.4%) are men, and 404 (78.6%) are women.

In the period from January to December 2023, 147 pensioners celebrated their 100th birthdays, comprising 32 men (21.7%) and 115 women (78.3%).

Leading the count of centenarians by region, Kashkadarya tops with 92, followed by Surkhandarya with 71, and Andijan with 46. Other regions include:

- Fergana: 45
- Tashkent: 41
- Samarkand: 36
- Bukhara: 35
- Namangan: 33
- Khorezm: 28
- Tashkent City: 26
- Jizzakh: 16
- Navoi: 13
- Karakalpakstan: 21
- Syrdarya: 11

Previously, we reported on the number of "sixty-year-olds" born in Uzbekistan in a single year.


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