Blogger Olimjon Tokhtanazarov has been convicted in Uzbekistan



Blogger Olimjon Tokhtanazarov has been convicted in Uzbekistan. He was found guilty under Article 52 (Inflicting minor bodily injury) Part 2 (Intentional minor bodily injury) of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and a fine was imposed against him, as reported by the Tashkent city courts.

Recently, a video surfaced showing Tokhtanazarov's appeal in front of the Chilonzor district court building regarding criminal cases. In this footage, the blogger expressed discontent with the court, questioning its impartiality.

Responding to the blogger's appeal, Tashkent city courts accused Tokhtanazarov of bias. They highlighted that his attempts to rally support against court decisions and display dissatisfaction do not guarantee unfairness on the court's part; instead, it demonstrates adherence to the law.

Furthermore, the courts emphasized that justice isn't achieved by gathering supporters and attempting to intimidate the judiciary, as Tokhtanazarov seemed to do in the video.

The statement from Tashkent city courts clarified that the legality of court decisions is evaluated by higher courts. They informed Tokhtanazarov that dissatisfied parties have the right to appeal or protest to the Tashkent city court within twenty days of receiving a copy of the decision.

Regarding Tokhtanazarov's case, the Chilonzor district court's decision on November 7 was forwarded to the General Prosecutor's Office for further investigation. Upon the appeal protest of the Chilonzor district prosecutor, the administrative case was transferred to Tashkent city court. On November 21, 2023, the appellate instance of the criminal trial panel of the Tashkent city court overturned the district court's decision on the administrative offense and returned the case for reevaluation.

Subsequently, on December 4 of the same year, the court ruled to terminate Olimjon Tokhtanazarov's actions as per Article 271 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, citing the absence of violations specified in Article 183 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility.

In conclusion, Tokhtanazarov was found guilty under Part 2 of Article 52 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility and was fined twice the base calculation amount, totaling 660,000 soums.


Olimjon To'xtanazarov

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