Prosecution for promoting polygamy has been established in Uzbekistan.
05 September 2023
11204Deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis are currently considering the second reading of the proposed amendments and additions to the Codes "On Criminal and Administrative Responsibility." This information was reported by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.
According to the proposed changes:
• Administrative and criminal liability will be imposed for propagandizing the belief that one category of citizens is superior or inferior to another category of citizens based on their national, racial, ethnic, or religious affiliation when performing a religious marriage ceremony between individuals whose marriage is not registered in accordance with the law.
• The draft law introduces administrative liability for promoting cohabitation with two or more wives and openly denying the equal rights of women and men.
• Administrative responsibility is also established for being in public places while wearing a face covering that prevents identification.
Isroil va HAMAS kelishuvga erishdi.
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