Are the hospitals in Tashkent experiencing a surge in child patients once again?



A recent video circulated on social media highlighted a spike in fever and sore throat cases among young children in Tashkent, leading to an increase in visits to the children's hospital. The city's Health Department responded to these concerns.

The mentioned medical facility in the video is Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Tashkent, which has a capacity of 425 beds. On average, it receives 300-350 patients daily, with 55-65 being admitted for inpatient care while the rest receive primary medical attention and are referred to their local family doctor.

The Health Department noted a variety of ailments beyond fever and sore throat, including allergic reactions, diarrhea, eye and abdominal pain, earaches in infants, restlessness, appendicitis, and disc herniation. While family clinics operate during the day until 8:00 p.m., children predominantly seek care at the hospital at night, leading to increased evening admissions.

In addition to national healthcare facilities, the capital operates five clinics and five infectious disease hospitals specifically catering to children, all of which are operational round-the-clock.

Consequently, the Health Department asserted that reports of a significant uptick in fever and sore throat cases at Tashkent hospitals lack factual basis.


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