Teacher who beat a student in Tashkent was imprisoned for other offenses



Earlier, it was reported that a teacher at a school in Tashkent brutally beat a 6th-grade student on the first day of work. This teacher has since been charged with several other offenses, according to the Children's Ombudsman.

On September 24 of this year, the teacher went to General Secondary School No. 204 in the Yashnabad district, where her daughter studies. She argued with the school administration and physically assaulted the deputy director of the Spirituality and Enlightenment Affairs. When asked to follow regulations in a public place, she strongly resisted both National Guard and DIA officers on school grounds, refusing to comply with legal orders. This incident occurred in front of numerous schoolchildren.

Yesterday, on September 25, the Yashnabad District Court for Criminal Cases reviewed the case. The woman was charged under Article 183 (Petty Hooliganism), Part 1 of Article 194 (Failure to Comply with the Lawful Requirements of a Serviceman or Employee of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan), and Article 197-5 (Unlawful Interference with the Professional Activity of an Educator or Obstructing Them from Performing Their Duties). She was sentenced to 7 days of administrative imprisonment, fined 3 times the BCA (1,020,000 sums), and fined an additional 7 times the BCA (2,380,000 sums).

It should be recalled that earlier, Maria Zakharova, the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, requested Uzbekistan to comment on the situation that took place at General Education School No. 188 in the Chilonzor district involving this teacher. Alisher Kadyrov, the deputy speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, responded, "It would be better if they focused on their own problems instead of meddling in our internal affairs."


Toshkent maktab o'quvchi

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