22-year-old man commits suicide by hanging himself from a tree in Tashkent



A 22-year-old man committed suicide by hanging himself from a tree in Tashkent region. Hayot Shamsutdinov, the press secretary of the General Prosecutor's Office, informed QALAMPIR.UZ about this.

It is reported that on July 24 of this year, 22-year-old E.E. was killed by a tree in a field located near a production enterprise in the territory of "Ilgor" neighborhood, Qibray district. He committed suicide by hanging himself from his neck.

In the preliminary report of the forensic examination appointed on the case of the citizen's death, it was noted that it was mechanical asphyxiation caused by compression of the neck organs with a blanket.

"Currently, the district prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into the situation," the reference says.

We remind you that earlier in the Bukhara region, a husband killed his wife on purpose and then committed suicide.


Toshkent yigit qasd

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