In Tashkent region, a young man threatened his brother and the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs



A 20-year-old man threatened his brother and employees of the Internal Affairs Department with a knife and scissors in Qibrai district of Tashkent region.  The Regional Directorate of Internal Affairs reacted to the situation.

It is noted that on 26 January of this year at 20:00 p.m., a citizen living in “Yangihayat” neighborhood went to the law enforcement center of the Internal Affairs Department and asked for help saying that there was a quarrel in his house.

According to the report, 2 prevention inspectors arrived at the citizen’s house together with him.  In the apartment, the inspectors saw that the 19 and 20 year-old sons of the owner of the call were fighting and threatening each other with knives.  When trying to separate them, one of them threatened the inspectors with the knife in his hand, which was recorded on the CCTV camera.  

After securing these persons, preventive inspectors brought them to the regional law enforcement center.

During the preparation of documents related to the situation, the citizens continued to quarrel, they grabbed the scissors in the inspector’s office and stabbed the staff, causing minor injuries.

As the aggression continued, the staff took away the sharp object from his hand and handcuffed him in order to ensure his safety.

After some time, this citizen developed the medical term “epilepsy”, that is, seizures, and he began to behave in an unusual way.  At the same time, his family members searched and entered the place of law and order.

The incident was recorded on video and the employees of the Internal Affairs Department allegedly beat the citizen, however they explained it.  In this process, employees did not use force against the citizens.

“Currently, in order to ensure the legality of the situation, the district prosecutor’s office is conducting an investigation up to the investigation.  Detailed information on the result will be provided,” the report said.


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